The Spanish language has always been considered one of the most beautiful languages in the world.
It is a melodious and lively language that is learned quite quickly.
You probably also watched telenovelas in the past that were very popular and you have probably learned a lot of Spanish words that way.
In this text that we have prepared for you, we will focus on words from the Spanish language that begin with the letter A.
We will present you some of the most common words that start with this letter and with each of them we will give you a short explanation, as well as an English translation.
Finally, we will give you a list with many more Spanish words that also start with A.
Of course, we will also mention various types of words that begin with this letter.
In addition to the most common nouns, you will also have the opportunity to see numerous adjectives, verbs, adverbs and other Spanish words that begin with the letter A.
If you like the Spanish language and if you want to see what are the words that start with the letter A, then continue reading this text and learn with us.
Even if you know Spanish well, we’re sure that in this text you will learn some new words that you haven’t heard of before.
The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With the Letter A
Amor (Love). One of the most popular Spanish words is definitely el amor, which means “love”.
You have probably heard of this Spanish word sometimes. It is used to determine a strong feeling or affection towards someone, as well as a big interest for doing something.
You can also call your loved person Amor.
Abeja (Bee). Another word that we are going to mention is la abeja. This word means “bee” in English.
It is a winged insect that is similar to ants or wasps. It is known that a bee has a very important role in pollination.
Pollination is important both in commercial and ecological way. As you probably know, bees are eating pollen and nectar.
An interesting fact is that there are more than 16 000 species of this insect and they are classified in 7 biological families.
The most common species of bees are honey bees, stingless bees, sweat bees, etc. Some of them live in colonies, while others are solitary.
Avispa (Wasp). Another Spanish word that is starting with the letter A is la avispa. In English it means “a wasp”.
It is a type of a winged insect that has a sting. A wasp has a yellow colour and black stripes on it.
There are two types of wasps – social wasps that live in colonies and solitary wasps that live on their own.
Abrigo (Coat). The next word from the Spanish language that starts with A is el abrigo, which means “coat”.
A coat is an outdoor garment that has sleeves and that extends to the hips or below them. A coat is always worn over the clothes.
A coat is used to warm the body and it is usually worn in winter. There are various types of coats, both for men and women.
Abuelo/Abuela (Grandfather/Grandmother). You have probably heard of Spanish words el abuelo/la abuela. These words have the meanings “grandfather” and “grandmother”.
As you know, el abuelo or the grandfather is the father of your father or mother. On the other side, we have la abuela or the grandmother, who is a mother of your mother or father.
Aceite (Oil). The next Spanish word that starts with the letter A that we have prepared for you is el aceite. When translated in English, this word means “oil”.
As you know, the oil is actually a sticky and thick liquid that we use for many different purposes. There is oil that is used as a fuel or as a lubricant.
Of course, we have oil that we use as a food. Actually, we use oil for preparing many different dishes. This oil is called in Spanish el aceite de cocina, which means “cooking oil”.
When it comes to oil that we use for eating, we have to mention olive oil that is called el aceite de oilva in Spanish.
Aceituna (Olive). The next word that we are going to mention is la aceituna, which means “an olive” in English.
As you know, it is actually a small fruit that has an oval shape. An olive has a green colour when it is not ripe or it can have a black colour when it is ripe.
An olive is a food that can be used in many purposes. You can add it to pizza and to many other dishes.
Also, olives can be used as sources of oil, so we get olive oil this way.
Alto/alta (Tall). Another word that we are going to mention when it comes to Spanish language is alto/alta.
It is an adjective that means “tall” in English. This adjective describes a person who has more height than it is an average.
For example, we can say “He is a tall man”, which can be said in Spanish Él es un hombre alto.
Amarillo (Yellow). We come to one of the colours in the Spanish language that also begins with the letter A. It is the word amarillo, which means “yellow”.
This is an adjective that is used to describe a yellow colour of something. We are going to give you an example:
El sol es amarillo, which means “the sun is yellow”.
Abajo (below). Another Spanish word on our list is abajo. It is a preposition that has the meaning “below”.
This preposition means that something is located in a lower level.
Abierto/Abierta (Open). The next word that starts with A and that we are going to mention is abierto/abierta.
It is an adjective that means “open” when translated in English.
For example, we can say in English “The door is open”, which is the same as La puerta está abierta in Spanish.
Adiós (Goodbuy). We will present you also the word adiós. It is one more Spanish word that starts with the letter A and that is very common.
This word is used as a greeting when saying goodbye to someone.
We use this word when we end a conversation or when we are parting with someone. It is the same word as “goodbye” in English.
The word adiós is one of the most commonly used words in the Spanish language.
Águila (Eagle). The next word that starts with A is el águila, which means “an eagle”.
It is a large bird that has a massive bill and big wings. As you probably know, an eagle is a bird of prey and it is known that it has a keen sight.
Agosto (August). The next word that we have prepared for you that comes from the Spanish language is el agosto.
This is a noun that is similar in every language and that means “august”, that is, the eighth month of the year.
Arriba (Up). The next Spanish word that is very common is arriba. It is a preposition or an adverb that starts with the letter A.
When translated in English, the word arriba means “up”.
When we say “up” or arriba in Spanish, it means that something is at a higher level than something else.
Also, the Spanish word arriba determines when something is going from a lower position to the higher one.
For example, when we say ella subió arriba, it means that she climbed up.
Arte (Art). The next Spanish word that starts with the letter A is el arte, which means “art” in English.
As you can see, this word is very similar to the word in English. Art is actually the area in which people use their creative skills and their imagination.
When we say art, we think on painting, sculpture, literature, dance, music etc.
Alrededor de (Around). The next word on our list of the most common Spanish words is the preposition alrededor de, which means “around”.
We are going to give you an example, both in English and in Spanish.
“She walks around the school” or in Spanish: Ella pasea alrededor de la escuela.
Amigo/Amiga (Friend). One of the most common words in the Spanish language is definitely el amigo/la amiga. We are sure that you have heard of this noun sometimes.
This word has the meaning “friend” and it is also one of the nouns that start with the letter A.
When it comes to a male, we use the Spanish word amigo, while for a female we use the Spanish noun amiga.
Andar (Walk). The next word that starts with the letter A is the verb andar, which means “to walk”.
This word means to go from one place to another, that is, to move forward but without running.
For example, we can say in Spanish nosotros andamos juntos, which means “we walk together”.
Anillo (Ring). We are going to present you one more word in Spanish that starts with the letter A. It is the word el anillo.
It is a common word in Spanish and it means “a ring”. For example, “a silver ring” could be said in Spanish el anillo de plata.
Árbol (Tree). The next Spanish word that is commonly used is el árbol, which means “a tree” in English.
Avión (Plane, Airplane). A word that has a similar form in many languages is the Spanish word el avión.
When translated in English, this word means “plane” or “airplane”.
We are going to give you an example now. When we say in Spanish volamos en avión, it could be said in English “we flew by plane”.
Autobús (Bus). Another means of transportation in Spanish begins with the letter A, and that is the el autobús.
This word is actually similar in all languages. In English, the translation of this word would be “bus”.
Ayúdame (Help Me). This is a very common imperative word in Spanish. It comes actually from the verb form ayuda + pronoun me.
In English language it means “help me”.
Azul (Blue). Another colour in Spanish language that also starts with A is azul. This colour means “blue” and it is a very common adjective in Spanish.
For example, we can say el cielo es azul, which means “The sky is blue”.
Aprender (Learn). We have also a popular verb in Spanish that starts with A. It is a verb aprender.
When translated, this verb means “to learn” in English.
Other Spanish Words Starting With A
Abril (April)
Acuario (Aquarium)
Agradecer (to thank)
Aguacate (Avocado)
Aguja (Needle)
Aire (Air)
Ala (Wing)
Alacrán (Scorpion)
Aldea (Village)
Alfabeto (Alphabet)
Alfombra (Carpet)
Almacén (Store)
Almohada (Pillow)
Almuerzo (Lunch)
Ambulancia (Ambulance)
Anatomía (Anatomy)
Ancho (Wide)
Ángel (Angel)
Ángulo (Angle)
Anochecer (Evening)
Año (Year)
Aplaudir (to clap)
Araña (Spider)
Arco Iris (Rainbow)
Ardilla (Squirrel)
Arena (Sand)
Arete (Earring)
Armario (Wardrobe)
Arquero (Archer)
Arpa (Harp)
Artista (Artist)
Ascensor (Elevator)
Asteroide (Asteroid)
Asustado (Scared, Frightened)
Avenida (Avenue)
Atleta (Athlete)
Azucena (Lily)