Spanish Words That Start With B

If you like Spanish language and if you would like to find out some new words in this language, then read this text.

Actually, in this text we will deal with Spanish words that start with the letter B.

There are many Spanish words that start with this letter and we will tell you which words are used every day.

With each Spanish word we will give you its English translation, and with most words we will also explain what they mean.

Also, we will give you example sentences in Spanish and in English, to make it easier for you to understand better the meaning of these words and their use in Spanish language.

In addition, we will give you a list of some other Spanish words that start with B that we did not mention in the text.

The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With the Letter B

BUENO. The first Spanish word that starts with the letter B and that we are going to mention is an adjective bueno that has the meaning “good”.

It describes a person who has some qualities or something that has a high standard. We are going to give you an example:

Él es una muy buena persona.

Él es muy bueno.

It can be said in English: “He is a very good person” or “He is very good

BUENÍSIMO. Buenísimo is a superlative of an adjective bueno, which means that it is used to describe something or someone that is “very good” or “extremely good”.

For example, we can say:

Esa comida es buenísima, which means that it is a very delicious food. It has an extremely good taste and aroma.

We can also give you another example that will help you understand better the meaning of the superlative buenísimo.

Tu chiste fue buenísimo. It means in English “Your joke was really good.”

BIEN. The next word that we are going to mention in this article is the word bien. This Spanish word is actually an adverb that has the meaning “well”.

You can understand it better after the following example.

Le va bien en su nueva escuela, which means that he is doing “well” in his new school.

We are going to give you one more example with an adverb bien.

In Spanish it would be: No puedo oirte bien, which can be translated in English as “I cannot hear you well.”

BRAZO. The next word on our list is brazo. It is a Spanish word that has the meaning “arm”.

It is a masculine noun and it is always used with an article – el brazo (definite article) or un brazo (indefinite article).

Look at the following example:

Ella se cayó de un árbol y se rompió el brazo derecho, which could be said in English “She fell from a tree and broke her right arm”.

BOCA. Another Spanish word on our list is boca. It has the meaning of “mouth”.

It is a feminine noun that is very often used in Spanish because it denotes the part of the face that we use every day for eating, speaking, kissing, etc.

If you want to say “kiss me on the mouth” in Spanish, it would be Bésame en la boca.

BESAR. This is a verb in the Spanish language that begins with the letter B. This verb in translation means “to kiss”.

The verb besar is a regular verb in the Spanish language and it changes according to the usual rules for changing all regular verbs, which means that different suffixes are added to the infinitive of the verb, depending on which person it is in question, as well as whether the verb is in the present tense, past, future etc.

We will give you an example of how this verb is used in Spanish, but also how we would say the same thing in English. The example we will give is in the past tense.

Spanish: Me besó suavemente en la mejilla.

English: “He kissed me gently on the cheek”.

BUSCAR. The next word we will mention in Spanish is also a verb that starts with the letter B. It is the verb buscar which means “to look for”.

This verb is a transitive verb that requires an infinitive, because it is always said “to look for someone” or “to look for something”, that is buscar a alguien or buscar algo.

To better understand the meaning of this verb and its use in a sentence, we will give you the following example:

Ella está buscando un nuevo trabajo porque está aburrida en su trabajo actual.

It could be said in English: “She is looking for a new job because she is bored at her current job”.

BORRACHO. The next Spanish word on our list is borracho. In this case it is an adjective that means “drunk”.

Borracho is the form that we use for males, while borracha is used to determine females.

For example, if we have the sentence “He is drunk”, that would be in Spanish “Él está borracho.”

However, sometimes borracho can also be used as a noun, in which case we usually have the article before the noun.

For example, if we use the definite article, for the masculine gender it would be el borracho, while for the feminine gender the form would be la borracha, which could be translated in English as “drunkard” or “alcoholic”.

When it comes to indefinite article, the forms in Spanish would be un borracho or una borracha.

We are going to give you a following example:

“Her father is a drunkard”, which would be said in Spanish Su padre es un borracho.

As you can see, the Spanish word borracho/borracha can be used both as an adjective and as a noun.

Of course, you will recognize what kind of word is it in question according to definite or indefinite article that always follows the noun.

BARATO. Another Spanish adjective that begins with the letter B is barato. It means that something is not expensive or that it is “cheap”.

Like all other adjectives in Spanish, the adjective barato has also its male and female form – barato (male) and barata (female).

Of course, according to the rules of the Spanish language, the plural forms of this adjective would be baratos and baratas.

This is a very common adjective in Spanish language. In order to understand its use in the sentence we are going to give you an example that can be helpful to you.

Spanish: Una entrada para el concierto de Rihanna este año es barata.

English: “A ticket to Rihanna’s concert this year is cheap.”

In addition, we will give you another example that may be useful to you.

Spanish: Compró un coche barato.

English: “He bought a cheap car.”

BALCÓN. The next Spanish word that starts with the letter B is balcón. You probably guess what that word means, because it is similar in almost all languages.

Therefore, the meaning of the Spanish word balcón is “balcony”. If we want to define this word, we could say that it is a platform that is built on the outside of a building.

In Spanish language this word is a masculine noun, so we use it with the definite article (el balcón) and also with an indefinite article (un balcón).

We are going to give you a simple example. The sentence in English “He went out on the balcony” is the same as the Spanish sentence Salió al balcón.

In this example, the word balcón is used with the definite article because it refers to something familiar.

It means that he went out to his balcony or to another balcony that is familiar to him. That’s why a word balcón is used with the definite article in this example.

Below you will also see an example where the word balcón is used with an indefinite article because it is not defined which balcony, whose balcony, etc.

English: “He dreamed of a balcony”.

Spanish: Soñó con un balcón.

BAÑERA. The next Spanish word on our list is la bañera, which means “a bathtub”. As you know, we use it for bathing every day and its size is always suitable to a person who is sitting or lying.

This noun is feminine in Spanish and denotes a bathing object that is always found in the bathroom.

However, not everyone has a bathtub in the bathroom, but they have a shower cabin, that would be said in Spanish cabina de ducha.

BASTANTE. The next Spanish word on our list that starts with the letter B is bastante.

When we talk about the types of words, this Spanish word can be used as an adjective but also as an adverb.

In most cases, bastante is an adverb that corresponds to the English word “quite”.

In this sense, we will give you the following example in Spanish and then in English.

Spanish: Él estaba bastante preocupado por su salud.

English: “He was quite concerned about her health.”

However, we have already said that the Spanish word bastante can sometimes be an adjective and in that case this word usually goes with a noun.

If we want to find a suitable English word for the adjective bastante, then it would be “enough”.

In that case we will give you the following example:

“I have enough money to study abroad”, which would be said in Spanish: Tengo bastante dinero para estudiar en el extranjero.

In this case, the adjective bastante is a synonym of the adjective suficiente, which corresponds to the English word “enough”, as we have already said.

To sum up, when the Spanish word bastante is used as an adverb, then it has the meaning “quite”, but when it is used as an adjective, its meaning is “enough”.

BAILAR. The next common Spanish word is a verb bailar that has the meaning “to dance”.

This is a regular verb in Spanish that is changing according to the usual grammatical rules.

One simple example for this verb is: Quieres bailar conmigo? It would be said in English: “Do you want to dance with me?”

BLANCO. There is also a word for a color in Spanish that starts with the letter B and it is blanco, which means “white”.

BEBER. There is one more verb in Spanish that is very common and used in everyday speech. It is the verb beber, which means “to drink”.

This is a regular verb in Spanish that is changing according to already established rules. We will give you one sentence with this verb in Spanish and then in English.

Spanish: Ella nunca bebe alcohol.

English: “She never drinks alcohol.”

Other Spanish Words Starting With B

Balanza (balance)

Banco (bank)

Bandeja (tray)

Bandera (flag)

Bañarse (to take a bath)

Barco (ship)

Bárbaro (barbarian)

Barbaridad (barbarity)

Barra (bar)

Básico (basic, essential)

Basura (trash, garbage)

Batalla (battle)

Batir (to shake)

Bebé (baby)

Bebida (drink)

Beneficio (benefit)

Bendición (blessing, benediction)

Biblioteca (library)

Bicicleta (bicycle)

Billete (ticket, bill)

Biología (biology)

Biografía (biography)

Boda (wedding)

Boleto (ticket)

Bolsa (bag)

Bolsillo (pocket)

Bomba (bomb)

Bonito (pretty)

Borrador (eraser)

Borrar (to delete)

Bosque (forest, woods)

Bota (boot)

Botella (bottle)

Botón (button)

Brillante (brilliant)

Brillar (to shine)

Brisa (breeze)

Bromear (to joke)

Bronce (bronze)

Bruja (witch)

Buzón (letter-box, mailbox)

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