Spanish Words That Start With E

This text will be dedicated to the Spanish words that start with the letter E.

The first thing that we have to say is that there is a large number of words starting with E.

However, we have prepared for you a list of the most common Spanish words that start with E and we are sure that you already know a lot of them.

We are going to explain you shortly what the words on our list mean and we are going to give you some examples that may be helpful to you.

After that we will give you another list with a lot of other Spanish words that also start with the letter E.

With each of these words we are going to tell you what they mean in English.

In this text you will certainly have the chance to learn a lot of new Spanish words and to make your Spanish vocabulary richer that way.

The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With the Letter E

ENERO. We are going to start from a Spanish word that determines the first month in the year. It is the word enero that means “January”.

The use of this noun in Spanish is the same as in English. For example, if we say in English “I will start going to the gym in January”, it means in Spanish: Voy a empezar a ir al gimnasio en enero.

ELEFANTE. The next word on our list of the Spanish words starting with E is elefante.

As you can suppose, it is a masculine noun that determines an animal.

When translated in English, it is “elephant”. As you can see, these two words are very similar in Spanish and English language.

If we say in Spanish: Vi un elefante en el zoologico, it is the same as in English “I saw an elephant in the zoo”.

ESPOSO/ESPOSA. The next word that is very common in Spanish language is esposo. If we translate this word into English, it means “husband”.

In this case it is a masculine noun, so we have el esposo or un esposo when it is used with the definite or indefinite article.

However, this noun can be also feminine – esposa. In this case this noun refers to “wife”.

We are going to give you a couple of examples below that will help you understand the meaning of the nouns esposo and esposa.

Mi esposo es 2 años mayor que yo. – “My husband is 2 years older than me.”

Te presento a mi esposa. – “I will introduce you to my wife.”

ESCUELA. One of the most common Spanish words that start with the letter E is escuela. This word has the meaning “school”.

It is a feminine noun, so it can be la escuela or una escuela, which depends on a context that we have in a sentence.

For example, we can say in Spanish A él no le gusta ir a la escuela, which means “He doesn’t like going to school.”

ESTUDIANTE. Another word that starts with the letter E that is also related to school is estudiante. This word actually means “student”.

It can be used both for males and females. Depending on the article that is in front of the word and also depending on a context, you will be able to determine whether it is male or female.

We are going to give you some examples:

Spanish: Es una estudiante de la Facultad de Matemáticas.

English: “She is a student at the Faculty of Mathematics.”

Another example for the word el/la estudiante could be:

Spanish: Es muy buen estudiante y estudia en Estados Unidos.

English: He is a very good student and he studies in America.

ENFERMEDAD. The next Spanish word that starts with E is enfermedad which means “”disease” or “illness”.

This word is a feminine noun and it is usually used to describe problems with physical or mental health.

You are going to see an example below:

  • Ella no pudo venir a la celebración por su
  • “She could not come to the celebration due to her illness.”

ESPONTÁNEO. The next word on our Spanish list is the word espontáneo that has the meaning “spontaneous”.

This word is an adjective that is very common in Spanish language and it indicates that something happened without prior intention, i.e. without obligation and pressure.

We are going to give you an example both in Spanish and English.

Spanish: Eso fue un encuentro espontáneo.

English: “It was a spontaneous meeting.”

You have seen the meaning of the adjective espontáneo, but according to that there is also an adverb espontaneamente and you will see now what it means.

ESPONTÁNEAMENTE. As you can suppose, this adverb means that something was done “in a spontaneous way” or “spontaneously”.

It also means that it was not planned. It was a decision that we made at a moment.

Spanish: Decidimos espontáneamente hacer un viaje ese día.

English: “We spontaneously decided to go on a trip that day.”

ESTÓMAGO. Another Spanish word that starts with the letter E is estómago. This is a noun that refers to a part of the body. When translated in English, this word means “stomach”.

The word estómago is a masculine noun, so we can say el estómago or un estómago, depending on a context that we have.

  • Comí muchos dulces y ahora me duele el estómago.
  • “I ate a lot of sweets and now my stomach

ESPALDA. There is another body part that also starts with the letter E and it is espalda. This word has the meaning “back”.

It is a feminine noun and one of very common words in Spanish that can be used both in its literal and metaphorical way.

For example, if we say in Spanish Tengo que hacer ejercicios porque me duele la espalda, it means in English “I have to do exercises because my back hurts.”

It is a literal meaning of the word espalda (“back”). But, we have also mentioned that this word can also be used metaphorically, which you can see in the following example:

  • Creí que era mi amigo y me apuñaló por la espalda.
  • “I believed he was my friend, and he stabbed me in the

It means that someone I trust has disappointed me and betrayed me.

There is also another example in which we have used the word espalda in a metaphorical way.

  • Es importante tener siempre a alguien que cuide tu
  • “It is important to always have someone to watch your back.”

It means that you should always have someone who will protect you and take care of you.

EXISTENCIA. Another Spanish word that we have prepared for you is existencia. It is a feminine noun that means “existence”.

You are going to see some examples below.

  • La existencia de vida en Marte siempre ha sido un tema de investigación para los científicos.
  • “The existence of life on Mars has always been a topic of research for scientists.”

We are going to give you one more example now.

  • Ella no cree en la existencia de dios.
  • “She does not believe in the existence of god.”

EXPERIENCIA. Another Spanish word that starts with E that is very similar to an English word with the same meaning is experiencia.

As you already know, this word means “experience” in English.

It is easy to use this noun in a sentence. We can say in Spanish:

  • No quiero que este doctor opere a mi madre porque él no tiene mucha

The translation of this sentence into English would be:

  • “I don’t want this doctor to operate on my mother because he doesn’t have much

We are going to give you one more example with this word that is very common in Spanish.

  • Mi abuelo estuvo en la guerra y tiene mucha experiencia.
  • “My grandfather was in the war and has a lot of experience.”

As you can see in these examples, there are certain phrases with the word experiencia, such as tener mucha experiencia (“to have a lot of experience”), tener poca experiencia (“to have little experience”), tener ninguna experiencia (“to have no experience”), etc.

EXPERIMENTO. This is another noun in Spanish that begins with the letter E. This noun is very similar in all languages. In English it is the word “experiment”.

Spanish: Él necesita un laboratorio en el que va a probar su nuevo experimento.

English: “He needs a laboratory in which he will try his new experiment.”

ESTÚPIDO. This adjective is very common in Spanish and it means “stupid” or “idiot”. It is a word usually used to describe someone who is not intelligent at all.

  • No puede entender nada porque es muy estúpido.
  • “He cannot understand anything because he is very

EXTRAÑAR. There is also a verb in the Spanish language that starts with the letter E and it is the verb extrañar.

You have probably heard of this Spanish verb because it is very common. It is also one of the most common words in Spanish love songs.

The translation of the verb extrañar is “to miss”. It is a transitive verb that requires an object, so we usually say extrañar a alguien (to miss someone).

We are going to show you the use of this verb in a sentence.

Spanish: Extraño a mi ex novio.

English: “I miss my ex-boyfriend.”

Also, you have probably heard of a common phrase Te extraño, which means “I miss you.”

ESPEJO. One more noun that starts with the letter E is espejo, which means “mirror”. Now when you know the meaning of this word, it is easy to use it in a sentence.

In order to understand it better, we are going to give you an example:

Spanish: Mírate en el espejo, cuánto peso has ganado.

English: “Look in the mirror, how much weight you have gained.”

We are going to give you one more example in both languages.

Spanish: Cuando rompes un espejo es mala señal y trae mala suerte.

English: “When you break a mirror it is a bad sign and brings bad luck.”

Other Spanish Words Starting With E

Educación (education)

Efectivo (effective)

Ejecución (execution)

Ejercicio (exercise)

Embarazada (pregnant)

Emigrante (emigrant)

Eminente (eminent)

Emoción (emotion)

Emperador (emperor)

Empleo (employment)

Empleado (employee)

Enamorado (in love)

Encantador (charming)

Encima de (above)

Enemigo (enemy)

Enfrente a (in front of)

Engañar (to cheat, to deceive)

Engaño (deception)

Enojado (mad)

Ensalada (salad)

Enseñanza (teaching, education)

Enorme (enormous)

Entrada (entrance)

Entrenamiento (training)

Entrevista (interview)

Equipaje (baggage)

Equipo (team)

Equivocado (wrong)

Error (mistake)

Escala (scale)

Escalera (stairs)

Escoba (broom)

Esponja (sponge)

Esporádico (sporadic)

Estructura (structure)

Estufa (stove)

Escultura (sculpture)

Essencia (essence)

Esperanza (hope)

Espina (spine)

Espiritual (spiritual)

Estabilidad (stability)

Establecido (established)

Estado (state)

Estilo (style)

Estimación (estimation)

Estricto (strict)

Estudiar (study)

Eternidad (eternity)

Eterno (eternal)

Estrella (star)

Europa (Europe)

Evento (event)

Exactamente (exactly)

Examen (exam)

Examinación (examination)

Excelencia (excellence)

Excelente (excellent)

Excusado (toilet)

Exhibición (exhibition)

Existente (existent)

Éxito (exit)

Expedición (expedition)

Experimentar (to experiment)

Experto (expert)

Explosivo (explosive)

Expresión (expression)

Expuesto (exposed)

Extendido (extended)

Externo (external)

Extranjero (foreign, foreigner, stranger)

Extraño (strange, odd, weird)

Extraordinario (extraordinary)

Extreme (extreme)

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