It is always interesting to look for all the words that start with a certain letter.
On that occasion we usually cannot remember some words that we already know. This will be the topic of this text.
In fact, in this text we will try to list all or most of the Spanish words that start with the letter F.
The list of these words is quite long, but we have singled out some of the most common words in the Spanish language that start with the letter F.
We will try to explain you their meaning and usage in more detail.
We will also list a large number of Spanish words with English translations, so we are sure that this text will help you learn many new words in this beautiful Romance language.
If you cannot remember which Spanish words start with F, we are here to remind you of that and to present you some new words that you probably haven’t heard of yet.
Stay with us and find out what the most popular Spanish words that start with F are.
The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With the Letter F
FELIZ. We are going to start this list with the adjective feliz. As you can see, this Spanish word starts with F and it is an adjective.
When translated into English, this adjective means “happy”. We are going to give you an example that will help you see the meaning and the use of this adjective.
Spanish: Soy feliz cuando estás conmigo.
English: “I’m happy when you are with me.”
We are going to give you one more example with this adjective that will be helpful to you.
Spanish: Estoy feliz de que nos hayamos encontrado después de tanto tiempo.
English: “I’m happy that we met after so long.”
The next example in which you can see a simple use of the adjective feliz is in the phrase feliz cumpleaños, which means “happy birthday”.
Other similar phrases with the adjective feliz are Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas), Feliz Año Nuevo (Happy New Year), Felices Pascuas (Happy Easter), etc.
As you could see in the example Felices Pascuas, when the adjective feliz is in plural, then there is a voice change.
More precisely, the letter Z turns into C, which is especially important to know when writing this word – felices.
We are going to give you another example with the adjective feliz in plural.
Spanish: Estamos felices de que hayas venido a nosotros.
English: “We are happy that you came to us.”
FURIOSO. The next word that we prepared is the adjective furioso that means “furious” or “angry”.
Of course, the form of this adjective will depend on whether the noun that follows is masculine or feminine.
If the noun is masculine, then the adjective form remains furioso, and if it is a feminine noun, the adjective form will be furiosa.
We will give you an example that will show you how these adjectives are used.
- Está furioso porque perdió el juego.
- “He is furious that he lost the game.”
FIEL. Another Spanish word that starts with the letter F is fiel. This Spanish word is actually an adjective and it is used to describe someone who is “faithful” or “loyal”.
Spanish: Ella se divorció de él a pesar de que él le fue fiel todos estos años.
English: “She divorced him even though he was faithful to her all these years.”
However, the adjective fiel doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is faithful only in love relationships, but also when it comes to friendship, partnership, etc.
We are going to give you an example that can help you see it more clearly.
Spanish: Es un amigo fiel en el que siempre puedo confiar.
English: “He is a faithful friend that I can always rely on.”
FALSO/A. This is another adjective in Spanish that starts with the letter F. It means that something is not true or that someone is not honest.
The translation of the adjective falso into English is “fake” or “false”.
We are going to give you an example that may help you understand better this adjective.
Spanish: Cada hombre tiene muchos amigos falsos a su alrededor.
English: “Every man has many false friends around him.”
Of course, when the adjective falso is used with a feminine noun, it will have the form falsa.
For example, we can say una situación falsa, which means “a false situation””.
FAMILIA. One of the most common Spanish words that start with F is definitely familia. It is a feminine noun that has the meaning “family”.
We can simply say in Spanish: Mi familia es lo más importante para mí, which means in English: “My family is the most important thing to me.”
FLOR. The next Spanish word that is starting with the letter F is flor. It is a feminine noun that means “flower”.
It is very simple to use this word in a sentence. For example we can say esa flor es roja, which means “this flower is red”.
There is also another example with the noun flor.
- Hay muchas flores hermosas en este prado.
- “There are many beautiful flowers in this meadow.”
As you can see, in this sentence the word flor is used in its plural form, so we have flores. It is the plural form of this noun.
FIESTA. There is also another noun in the Spanish language that starts with F and it is fiesta. This noun is feminine and it is very common.
Fiesta is the word that means “party” and its use in sentences is very simple.
For example, we can ask ¿Vienes a la fiesta mañana?, which means “Are you coming to the party tomorrow?”
Since the word fiesta is feminine, it is used with the articles la and una, depending on the context, so we can have la fiesta or una fiesta. Look at the example below to see the difference.
Voy a ir a una fiesta el mes que viene. – “I’m going to a party next month.” (I will go to a party, but I still don’t know where and when this party will be.)
La fiesta a la que asistimos estuvo genial. – “The party we attended was great.” (It is known exactly which party it was, the noun “party” is determined in this case.)
FRECUENTE. There is one more adjective on our list that starts with F and it is the adjective frecuente, which has a similar form in English as well. It is actually the adjective “frequent” in English.
Of course, the adjective frecuente means that something happens regularly and frequently.
Spanish: El estrés es una causa frecuente de muchas enfermedades.
English: “Stress is a frequent cause of many diseases.”
We are going to give you one more example with the adjective frecuente that will help you understand this adjective better.
Spanish: Es frecuente, que las personas se engañen entre sí.
English: “It is frequent for people to cheat on each other.”
FRECUENTEMENTE. The adjective frecuente that we have mentioned above is in a close relation with the adverb frecuentemente.
This adverb indicates that something is happening in a frequent way. The adequate word for this adverb in English would be “frequently”.
You will see now the use of this adverb in a sentence.
Spanish: Los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo se realizan frecuentemente en esa ciudad.
English: “Same-sex marriages are frequently performed in that city.”
FUTURO. As you can suppose, this is a Spanish noun for “future”. When you know that, it is easy to use this noun in a sentence.
It is also important to know that the noun futuro is a masculine noun, so we usually say el futuro or un futuro, which will depend on a context that we have.
We are going to show you the difference in the following examples.
Él va a tener un futuro muy bonito con ella. – “He will have a very beautiful future with her.”
El futuro siempre es incierto. – “The future is always uncertain.”
FEBRERO. There is also a month of the year that starts with the letter F. You probably know that it is “February”, but its name in Spanish is febrero.
You will see a sentence in which we have used this word.
En febrero iremos a la montaña. – “In February we will go to the mountain.”
FACILITAR. The next Spanish word that starts with F is facilitar. It is a Spanish verb that has the meaning “to ease”.
You are going to see an example below:
Spanish: ¿Cómo puedo facilitar tu trabajo?
English: “How can I ease your job?”
As you can see, facilitar is a transitive verb, so there is always an object next to it. Therefore, it is always said facilitar algo, which means “to ease something”.
FIN. For the end of this list we have chosen a Spanish word that is very common and it is the noun fin. When translated in English, this noun means “end”.
We can use this word in many different contexts.
For example, we can say el fin del matrimonio (“the end of marriage”), el fin de la relación (“the end of a relationship”), el fin de la semana (“the end of the week”), el fin del mes (“the end of the month”).
In relation with the noun fin, there is also the adverb finalmente that we are going to present you now.
FINALMENTE. As we have said, finalmente is a Spanish adverb that starts with the letter F. It is a very common adverb in Spanish and it has the meaning “finally”.
You will see now its use in a sentence:
Finalmente te has decidido a viajar a Cuba. – “You have finally decided to travel to Cuba.”
Other Spanish Words Starting With F
Fabuloso (fabulous)
Fácil (easy)
Facto (fact)
Factura (bill)
Falda (skirt)
Falsificación (falsification)
Falsificar (to falsify)
Falta (lack)
Fama (fame)
Familiar (familiar)
Fanático (fanatic)
Fantasía (fantasy)
Fantasma (ghost)
Fantástico (fantastic)
Fallar (to fail)
Faraón (Pharaoh)
Farmacia (pharmacy)
Fastidiar (to annoy)
Fastidioso (annoying)
Fastuoso (lavish)
Fatalidad (fatality)
Fatídico (fateful)
Fatiga (fatigue)
Fatigado (tired)
Favor (favour)
Favorito (favorite)
Fealdad (ugliness)
Fecha (date)
Felicidades (congratulations)
Fenómeno (phenomenon, freak)
Feroz (fierce)
Festejar (to celebrate)
Feo (ugly)
Ficción (fiction)
Fichar (to file)
Fidelidad (fidelity)
Figura (figure)
Figurar (to figure)
Figurativa (figurative)
Fiebre (fever)
Fijar (to set, to fix)
Fijarse (to notice, to look at)
Fila (row)
Filete (steak)
Filosofía (philosophy)
Filtro (filter)
Finalizar (to finish)
Financiar (to finance)
Finca (estate, property)
Finjir (to pretend)
Firma (signature)
Firmar (to sign)
Física (physics)
Flaco (skinny)
Flirtear (to flirt)
Flirteo (flirtation)
Flotar (to float)
Fluido (fluid, fluent)
Fobia (phobia)
Fondo (background, bottom)
Forma (shape)
Formulario (form)
Fortaleza (strength)
Fortuna (fortune, luck)
Foto (photo)
Fotografía (photography)
Fracaso (failure)
Fragante (fragrant)
Frambuesa (raspberry)
Franco (frank, honest)
Frase (phrase)
Fraternidad (fraternity)
Fraterno (fraternal)
Fregadero (sink)
Freno (brake)
Frente (forehead)
Fresa (strawberry)
Fresco (cool, fresh)
Frío (cold)
Frigorífico (fridge)
Frijoles (beans)
Frustrado (frustrated)
Fruta (fruit)
Fuego (fire)
Fuerte (strong)
Fútbol (football)
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