Spanish Words That Start With G

The Spanish language has always been attractive to people around the world.

Besides being melodious, this language is easy to learn and there are always new words to learn.

You probably already know some Spanish words, so in this article we will certainly enrich your knowledge of the Spanish language.

We will tell you which words start with the letter G.

We will mention some of the most common nouns, adjectives and verbs in the Spanish language that start with the letter G and we will explain their meanings.

We will also give you appropriate examples in Spanish and English that will help you better understand the meaning of those words.

At the end we will give you a list with many more words that start with the letter G and we will tell you what those words mean in English.

The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With G

GRACIAS. The first Spanish word that we are going to mention that starts with the letter G is gracias. You have probably heard of this word sometimes.

When translated in English, this word means “thank you”. In order to understand better its meaning, we are going to give you a following example:

Spanish: Gracias por ayudarme en una situacion tan dificil.

English: “Thank you for helping me in such a difficult situation.”

There is also another simple example that can be helpful to you. Actually, when someone gives you a present or when someone has done a favour for you, you will say gracias (“thank you”) to that person.

GRATITUD. Another Spanish word that starts with the letter G is gratitud, which has a similar form in English as well – “gratitude”.

The word “gratitude” is a feminine noun and it is commonly used in Spanish language. We are going to give you some examples in order to help you understand the meaning and the use of this word.

Spanish: Ella mostró su gratitud por todo lo que hiciste por ella.

English: “She showed her gratitude for everything you did for her.”

Another example with this word could be:

Spanish: La gratitud es muy importante así que agradece todo lo que tienes en la vida.

English: “Gratitude is very important so be grateful for everything you have in life.”

GRATO/A. In relation with the noun gratitud we have the adjective grato/a that means “grateful” in English.

The form of this adjective with masculine nouns is grato, while its form with feminine nouns is grata.

You will see it more clearly in the next example:

Spanish: Yo soy una persona grata.

English: “I am a grateful person.”

Another example in which we will use the masculine form grato would be:

Spanish: Lo ayudé en una situación difícil y él está muy grato por eso.

English: “I helped him in a difficult situation and he is very grateful for that.”

GUAPO/A. Of course, one of the most common adjectives in Spanish language is guapo/a, which means “handsome” (men) or “beautiful” (women).

Él es un hombre muy guapo. – “He is a very handsome man.”

Ella es una mujer guapa. – “She is a beautiful woman.”

GENTE. One of the most common nouns in Spanish language is gente. When translated in English, this word means “people”.

It is a feminine noun, so we can find the forms la gente or una gente.

La gente de ese pais es muy amable. – “People in that country are very kind.”

Es una gente muy amable. – “It is a very kind people.”

GANAR. The next word on our list that we are going to present you is ganar. This word means “to gain” and it is used with an object.

Spanish: Él jugó a la lotería y ganó el primer premio de un millón de euros.

English: “He played the lottery and gained the first prize of one million euros”.

Ganar is a regular verb, so it changes according to the next principle: Ich gano, tú ganas, él/ella gana, nosotros ganamos, vosotros ganáis, ellos ganaron.

GOZAR. Another Spanish verb that starts with the letter G is gozar. It is also a regular verb and it is commonly used in Spanish language.

The forms of this verb in present are: yo gozo, tú gozas, él goza, nosotros gozamos, vosotros gozáis, ellos gozan.

When we translate the verb gozar in English, it means “to enjoy in something or someone”.

We are going to give you an example with the verb gozar, which can help you understand better its meaning.

Spanish: Ella ha gozado con su presencia.

English: “She has enjoyed his presence.”

GENEROSO/A. The next Spanish word that starts with the letter G is the adjective genoroso/a.

Of course, the adjective generoso is used for masculine nouns, while the feminine form of this adjective is generosa.

In translation this word means “generous” in English. As you can see, these words are similar in Spanish and English and they are used to determine someone who is ready to give more money or more time to someone than it is necessary.

We are going to give you a sentence that can help you understand the real meaning of this adjective that is pretty common in Spanish.

Spanish: Él es una persona muy generosa porque siempre me da mucho dinero.

English: “He is a very generous person because he always gives me a lot of money.”

GENEROSIDAD. Now when we have told you what the adjective generoso means, we have to mention the noun generosidad as well.

As you can suppose, this noun means “generosity” in English and it is a feminine noun, so we can usually hear la generosidad or una generosidad.

You will see the use of this noun in the following example.

Spanish: Tu generosidad es realmente excesiva.

English: “Your generosity is really excessive.”

There is also another example with this noun.

Spanish: Eso es una generosidad que nunca antes había experimentado.

English: “It’s a generosity I’ve never experienced before.”

GATO/A. It is interesting that in the Spanish language there are a couple of names of animals that start with the letter G. For example, there is a Spanish word gato/a that means “cat”.

In Spanish language there are different forms of this noun for masculine and feminine, while in English it is only one word in both cases – “cat”.

Let’s take a look at the following example.

La gata que me diste es muy linda. – “The cat you gave me is very cute.”

El gato que me diste es muy lindo. – “The cat you gave me is very cute.”

Accordingly we can mention the diminutives used to denote a small cat. Depending on whether it is a male or a female cat, the noun forms will be el gatito/la gatita.

GESTO. The next Spanish noun that starts with the letter G on our list is gesto. It is a masculine noun that means “gesture”.

You will see the use of this noun in the following sentence in both Spanish and English.

Spanish: Es un gesto muy bonito de su parte.

English: “That is a very nice gesture from him.”

GAFAS. There is also another Spanish word that starts with G. It is the noun gafas that means “glasses” in English.

For example, we can say in Spanish: ¿Puedes prestarme tus gafas?, which means “Can you lend me your glasses?”

Besides the word gafas, we have also to mention the phrase gafas de sol, which means “sunglasses”. You are going to see an example for this word as well.

Hace mucho sol en Grecia, tienes que comprar gafas de sol. – “It’s very sunny in Greece, you have to buy sunglasses”.

GUITARRA. The next Spanish word that starts with G is a feminine noun guitarra. This noun is used to determine a musical instrument that is called “guitar” in English.

We are going to give you examples that can help you understand better the use of this word in sentences.

Spanish: Aprendió a tocar la guitarra cuando tenía 10 años.

English: “He learned to play the guitar when he was 10 years old.”

GARAJE. There is also another Spanish word that starts with G and it is garaje. If you have a car, then you would probably use this word very often.

When we translate this word into English, it means “garage”.

You will see the use of this noun in the next sentence.

Este garaje es demasiado pequeño para mi coche. – “This garage is too small for my car.”

The Spanish word garaje is a masculine noun, so we can find it in sentences as un garaje or el garaje.

GRANDE. Another word that is very common in the Spanish language is grande. It is an adjective that is the same for both masculine and feminine nouns.

In English this Spanish word means “big”.

For example, we can say in Spanish: Esta habitación es muy grande para nosotros dos, which means in English “This room is very big for the two of us.”

Another example could be:

Necesitamos una casa grande, which means in English “we need a big house.”

However, when an adjective grande comes before a masculine or a feminine noun, it turns into the form gran, so if we had for example una mujer grande, it will turn into gran mujer.

Eso es un gran problema, which means “That’s a big deal.”

GRIS. Another Spanish word that starts with the letter G is gris. It is the adjective used for the color “gray”.

You will see the use of this adjective in a simple example that we are going to give you.

Me gustaría comprar un gato gris. – “I would like to buy a gray cat.”

GORDO/A. There is one more Spanish word that is very common in this language. It is the adjective gordo/a that means “fat” in English.

Spanish: Es un niño gordo y todos los niños se burlan de él.

English: “He is a fat boy and all the kids make fun of him.”

In the following example you will see the use of this adjective in comparative.

Spanish: Ahora ella está mucho más gorda que antes de casarse.

English: “She is much fatter now than before she got married.”

Other Spanish Words That Start With G

Galante (gallant)

Galantear (flirting)

Galaxia (galaxy)

Galería (gallery)

Galleta (cookie)

Gallo (rooster)

Gallina (hen)

Galón (gallon)

Galope (gallop)

Galvanizar (galvanize)

Ganas (desire)

Garantía (guarantee)

Garganta (throat)

Gasolina (gasoline)

Gastar (to spend)

Gastos (bills, expenses)

Generación (generation)

Generalidad (generality)

Generar (to generate)

Género (gender)

Genio (genius)

Gentil (gentle)

Genuine (genuine)

Geografía (geography)

Geográfico (geographical)

Geometría (geometry)

Gestación (gestation)

Gesticulación (gesticulation)

Gigante (giant)

Gigantesco (gigantic)

Gimnasio (gym)

Gira (tour)

Girar (to spin, to rotate)

Girasol (sunflower)

Glándula (gland)

Globo (globe)

Glorioso (glorious)

Gloria (glory)

Glucosa (glucose)

Gobierno (government)

Gobernador (governor)

Gol (goal)

Golpe (bang, hit)

Golpear (to hit)

Goma (eraser)

Gorila (gorilla)

Gorra (cap)

Gótico (gothic)

Gracia (grace)

Gracioso (gracious)

Grado (grade)

Gramo (gram)

Grandiosa (magnificent)

Gravitación (gravitation)

Guantes (gloves)

Guardar (to keep)

Guardia (security guard)

Guía (guide)

Guiñar (to wink)

Gusano (worm)

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