In this text we will deal with Spanish words that start with the letter H. There are many Spanish words that start with this letter, and we will try to discover as many of them as possible.
We will tell you what those words mean and how they are used in sentences, and then we will give you examples for each of those words.
With the help of the examples that we will give you, you will be able to better understand the meaning of these words.
After those few basic Spanish words that start with the letter H and that are used every day, we will also give you a list with a large number of other Spanish words that also start with the letter H.
Of course, we will also write what each of those words mean when translated into English.
Therefore, if you decide to read this text, you will have the opportunity to learn many new Spanish words, but also to remind yourself of some Spanish words that you probably already know.
However, before we start our list of Spanish words that begin with the letter H, it is important to know that the letter H at the beginning of a word is not read in Spanish.
It means that all these words that we will mention to you are read without the letter H.
It is one of the most important rules in the Spanish language and it is very important for the correct pronunciation of Spanish words.
Therefore, the letter H at the beginning of the word is only written but not read.
Now that you have learned this rule, we can move on to the main topic of our text and reveal to you which Spanish words begin with the letter H.
The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With the Letter H
HACER. The first Spanish word that we are going to mention among all words that start with the letter H is hacer.
When we translate this verb into English, it means “to do” or “to make”.
It is one of the most common verbs in Spanish and it is an irregular verb. Actually, it has irregular form for the first person singular.
In the present, the change of this verb is: yo hago, tú haces, él/ella hace, nosotros hacemos, vosotros hacéis, ellos/ellas hacen.
In order to understand better the meaning of this verb, we are going to give you following examples:
Yo hago ejercicios todas las mañanas. – “I do exercises every morning.”
¿Qué harás mañana en la noche? – What are you doing tomorrow night?
HABER. One of the most important Spanish verbs is the verb haber that means “to have”. Actually, it is an auxiliary verb in Spanish that is used to build complex verb forms.
The forms of this verb in present are: yo he, tú has, él/ella ha, nosotros hemos, vosotros habéis, ellos han.
You will see the use of this verb in the following sentence in order to understand better its meaning.
Spanish: Siempre he estado enamorado de ti.
English: “I have always been in love with you.”
There is also another example with this auxiliary word.
Spanish: Siempre se ha creído que nuestros sueños nos transmiten mensajes importantes.
English: “It has always been believed that our dreams convey important messages to us.”
It is important to know that the verb haber is used only as an auxiliary verb and that it is always accompanied by another verb form, as you could see in the examples.
HABLAR. The next Spanish word that we are going to mention is the verb hablar that means “to talk” or “to speak”.
Of course, it is one of the most common verbs in the Spanish language and it is a regular verb.
We have the next forms: Yo hablo, tú hablas, él/ella habla, nosotros hablamos, vosotros habláis, ellos/ellas hablan.
You are going to see now a couple of sentences in which we have used the verb hablar.
Él habla muy rápido y es difícil entenderlo. – “He speaks very fast and it is difficult to understand him.”
As you can see, in the example that we have given to you Spanish verb hablar has the meaning “to speak”.
In the following example we are going to show you that the verb hablar can also mean “”to talk”:
Él habló con ella ayer. – “He talked to her yesterday.”
HOMBRE. There is also a very common noun in Spanish that starts with the letter H and it is hombre. This noun means “man”.
In Spanish language hombre is a masculine noun that goes with articles el (definite article) and un (indefinite article), so we have the forms el hombre and un hombre.
We are going to see first an example with an indefinite article.
Spanish: Es muy agradable conocer a un hombre como tú.
English: “It’s really nice to meet a man like you.”
You are going to see now the use of the noun hombre with the definite article.
Spanish: El hombre que vi en la calle es muy raro.
English: “The man I saw on the street is very strange.”
HERMANO/A. One of the most common Spanish words is hermano/a. It is a noun and it can be either masculine (hermano) or feminine (hermana).
In translation the word hermano means “brother”, while hermana is the Spanish word for “sister”.
You will see a couple of examples that can help you understand these words.
Ayer vi a tu hermano. – “I saw your brother yesterday.”
Tu hermana es muy hermosa. – “Your sister is very beautiful.”
HIJO/A. Another Spanish word that is used every day is hijo/a. When we translate it into English, the word hijo means “son”, while hija is the word used for “daughter”.
Mi hijo tiene 2 años y mi hija ha comenzado la escuela. – “My son is 2 years old and my daughter has started school.”
HERMOSO/A. The next Spanish word that starts with the letter H is the adjective hermoso/a.
It is one of the most frequent adjectives in this language and it has the meaning “beautiful”, “handsome” or “lovely”.
In the Spanish language the form of this adjective can be hermoso (when it refers to a masculine noun) or hermosa (when it refers to a feminine noun).
You will see the use of this adjective in the following sentences:
Ella es una niña muy hermosa. – “She is a very beautiful girl.
Este vestido es realmente hermoso. – “This dress is really beautiful.”
As you can see, the adjective hermoso/a can be used not only to describe people, but also to describe things.
In relation with the adjective hermoso/a, we will also mention the noun hermosura that means “beauty”.
HOGAR. There is also another noun in Spanish that starts with H and it is hogar. When translated into English, this noun means “home”.
Donde quiera que vayas no olvides tu hogar. – “Wherever you go don’t forget your home.”
It is also important to say that the noun hogar is a masculine noun, so we usually hear this noun as un hogar (indefinite) or el hogar (definite).
HABITACIÓN. Another Spanish noun that starts with H is habitación. It is a feminine noun that is commonly used in the Spanish language.
If we translate this noun into English, it will mean “room”. You can see the use of this noun in the example below.
Spanish: No hay muchos muebles en esa habitación.
English: “There is not much furniture in that room.”
HOSPITAL. The next noun in Spanish that starts with the letter H on our list is hospital.
It is a masculine noun, so we can find it as un hospital when it is not determined or el hospital when it is a determined noun.
In translation this noun has the meaning “hospital”, so you can notice that this word is the same in both Spanish and English.
We can say for example: Estuvo en el hospital durante 3 días, which means in English “He was in the hospital for 3 days”.
HONESTO/A. The next word in the Spanish language is the adjective honesto/a. When used with masculine nouns, the form of this adjective will be honesto.
With feminine nouns we will say honesta. In order to understand it more clearly, you will see a sentence that may be helpful to you.
Es un tipo muy honesto. – “He is a very honest guy.”
Ella es una persona honesta que siempre te va a ayudar. – “She is an honest person who will always help you.”
HAMBRE. The next noun that starts with the letter H that we are going to present you is hambre and it means “hunger”.
It is usually said in Spanish Tengo hambre, which means “I am hungry”.
Hambre is a masculine noun and now we are going to tell you one more example with this word.
Spanish: El hambre que senti ese día fue muy grande.
English: “The hunger I felt that day was very big.”
HAY. Another very common word in the Spanish language is hay, which means “there is/there are”.
This verb form is used to talk about someone’s existence or about the existence of something.
For example, we can say No hay mucha gente aquí, which means “There aren’t many people here.”
Another example could be Hay muchas flores aquí, which has the meaning “There are a lot of flowers here.”
Hay un hombre que puede ayudarte a sanar. – “There is a man who can help you heal.”
HASTA. One of the most common Spanish words is hasta. It is a preposition that can have different meanings.
In most cases this preposition has the meaning “until”, so we can say for example: Me quedo hasta las 10 de la noche en la fiesta, which would be in English: “I will stay until 10 pm at the party.”
There are also popular phrases in Spanish like hasta pronto that means “see you soon”, hasta luego that means “see you later” or hasta mañana that has the meaning “see you tomorrow”.
The next meaning of the preposition hasta is “up to”.
For example, we can say El agua me llega hasta las rodillas, which means “the water is up to my knees.”
Another meaning of the preposition hasta is “to”. You will see the example for this use of the adjective hasta below.
Él condujo solo hasta Hamburgo. – “He drove alone all the way to Hamburg.”
You have seen the most important uses of the Spanish word hasta and it is undoubtedly one of the most common words in the Spanish language.
Other Spanish Words That Start With H
Habilitar (to enable, to qualify)
Habitar (to inhabit, to live in)
Hacia (toward)
Hado (fate)
Hallar (to find)
Hamaca (hammock)
Hamburguesa (hamburger)
Harina (flour)
Helado (frozen, ice cream)
Helicóptero (helicopter)
Hembra (female)
Heno (hay)
Herencia (inheritance)
Herida (wound)
Hermandad (brotherhood)
Hesitación (hesitation)
Hielo (ice)
Higiénico (hygienic)
Hilo (thread)
Himno (hymn)
Hinchado (swollen)
Hiperactivo (hyperactive)
Hipnótico (hypnotic)
Hipocresía (hypocrisy)
Histérico (histerical)
Histórico (historic)
Hola (hello)
Hombro (shoulder)
Honrado (honest)
Hora (hour)
Horario (schedule)
Horno (oven)
Horóscopo (horoscope)
Huevo (egg)
Huir (to flee, to escape)
Humedad (humidity)
Húmedo (damp)
Humidificar (to humidify)
Humilde (humble, poor)
Humillar (to humiliate)
Humorístico (humoristic)
Hundir (to destroy, to sink)
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