This article will be dedicated to the words of the Spanish language that start with the letter I. There is a large number of such words and we will try to mention most of them.
First of all we are going to mention the most common Spanish words that start with I and we will explain each of those words, with adequate examples.
After that we are going to mention many other words starting with I and their translations into English.
If you would like to learn new Spanish words that start with the letter I, you should not miss the article that we have prepared for you.
The Most Common Spanish Words That Start With the Letter I
IZQUIERDO/A. The first word on our list of the words that start with the letter I is izquierdo. This word means “left” in English.
It can be used either as an adjective or as an adverb. Below you are going to see a couple of examples that can help you understand the meaning of this word.
Spanish: Si quieres llegar a la tienda, gira a la izquierda.
English: “If you want to get to the store, turn left.”
As you can see, the word left is used as an adverb in this example. We are going to give you one more example now in which the word left will be used as an adjective.
Spanish: El corazón está en el lado izquierdo.
English: “The heart is on the left side.”
IGNORAR. The next Spanish word that we are going to present you is the verb ignorar.
This verb is a regular verb and its forms are: yo ignoro, tú ignoras, él/ella ignora, nosotros ignoramos, vosotros ignoráis, ellos ignoran.
When we translate the verb ignorar into English, it means “to ignore”. This verb is used with an object because we always say to ignore somebody or to ignore something.
You will see the use of this verb in the following sentences:
Ignoro los sucesos desagradables porque quiero pensar de manera positiva. – “I ignore the ugly happenings because I want to think in a positive way.”
¿Por qué me ignoras? – “Why are you ignoring me?”
Ella me ha estado ignorando desde que entré en la oficina. – “She has been ignoring me since I walked into the office.”
IGUAL. The next word in the Spanish language that we have prepared for you is igual. It is the adjective that has the meaning “equal” or “the same”.
It means that something has the same quantity, quality or form as another person or thing, or that it shares common or similar qualities or characteristics with them.
We are going to give you an example that will help you understand better the adjective igual that is one of the most common adjectives in Spanish.
Tu carro es igual al mío. – Your car is the same as mine.
Debes agregar igual cantidad de harina y azúcar in este pastel. – “You should add the same amount of flour and sugar in this cake.”
Estos dibujos son iguales. – “These drawings are the same.”
As you can see, when the adjective igual refers to the plural noun, it has the form iguales.
However, we have also to mention that the word igual can be used as an adverb as well. We are going to give you a couple of examples that can be useful to you.
Ella no se comporta igual en el trabajo y en casa. – “She does not behave the same at work and at home.”
IMPACIENTE. The next Spanish word that starts with I is the adjective impaciente. It is one of the adjectives that actually represents the antonym of the adjective paciente (“patient”).
When we translate the adjective impaciente into English, it means “impatient”. As you can see, the forms of these adjectives are very similar in both languages.
You will see some examples that can help you see the use of this adjective in sentences.
Spanish: Soy muy impaciente y me gusta ver el resultado inmediatamente.
English: “I am very impatient and I like to see the result immediately.”
IDA. It is interesting to mention the Spanish word ida that refers to the action of going from one place to another.
Spanish: Tomó boleto solo de ida.
English: “He took a ticket only for departure.”
We have also a common phrase ida y vuelta, which means “a round trip”.
IMPORTANTE. The next word in the Spanish language that is used every day is importante. It is the adjective that has the same form for masculine and feminine nouns.
Of course, this adjective has the form importantes when it is in plural.
You will see a couple of examples in which we will use the adjective importante.
Esta es una lección muy importante, así que escúchame con atención. – “This is a very important lesson, so listen to me carefully.”
Debes saber que eres muy importante para mi. – “You should know that you are very important to me.”
Estas son cosas importantes y no las ignores. – “These are important things and don’t ignore them.”
INDEPENDIENTE. Another adjective in Spanish is independiente. It is actually the antonym of the adjective dependiente (“dependent”).
As you can suppose, the adjective independiente has the meaning “independent”.
Spanish: Me gusta ser independiente.
English: “I like to be independent.”
IMPOSIBLE. The next adjective in the Spanish language that also starts with the letter I is imposible. As you can see, it is the antonym of the adjective posible (“possible”).
It is also easy to guess that imposible is actually the adjective “impossible” in the English language.
Spanish: Es imposible completar todos estos deberes a tiempo.
English: “It is impossible to complete all these duties on time.”
INCAPAZ. The next adjective that we have on our list is incapaz. If we translate this adjective into English, it will mean “incapable, unable”.
We are going to give you some examples that will show you in which context you can use this adjective.
Eres incapaz de entender lo que estoy diciendo. – “You are incapable of understanding what I am saying.”
No te ofendas, pero tu hija es incapaz de nada. – “Don’t be offended but, your daughter is incapable of anything.”
INDECISO. The next word in the Spanish language that starts with the letter I is the adjective indeciso.
This adjective is very common in this language and it is the antonym of the adjective decidido in Spanish.
The meaning of the adjective indeciso is “indecisive” or “undecided”. You are going to see an example below:
Es un tipo muy indeciso y nunca sabe lo que quiere. – “He is a very indecisive guy and he never knows what he wants.”
Mi hermana es muy indecisa. – “My sister is very indecisive.”
As you can see, the adjective indeciso has different forms for the masculine and feminine genders.
For the masculine gender, the form that is used is indeciso, while for the feminine gender, the form that is used is indecisa.
On the other side, we have to say that in English we use the same form of this adjective for both masculine and feminine nouns.
INFIEL. There is one more adjective that starts with the letter I in the Spanish language and it is the adjective infiel.
It is the antonym of the Spanish adjective fiel, which means “faithful”. According to that, the meaning of the adjective infiel is “unfaithful”.
Now you are going to see an example with this adjective.
Spanish: Ella siempre confió en él y él le fue infiel.
English: “She always trusted him and he was unfaithful to her.”
INFELIZ. We are going to mention one more adjective in Spanish that starts with I and that is actually the antonym of another adjective.
It is the adjective infeliz that is the antonym of the adjective feliz (“happy”). Both adjectives are very common in the Spanish language.
When we translate the word infeliz into English, it means “unhappy”.
Spanish: Lo siento por él porque es infeliz.
English: “I feel sorry for him because he is unhappy.”
Another example with this adjective could be:
Spanish: A pesar de que tienen mucho dinero, son infelices.
English: “Even though they have a lot of money, they are unhappy.”
As you can see, when the adjective infeliz is used in plural, it has the form infelices, because Z turns into C in this case.
INMEDIATAMENTE. There is also an adverb that is commonly used in the Spanish language and it starts with the letter I.
It is the adverb inmediatamente, which means “immediately”. If you want to do something inmediatamente, it means that you have to do it instantly, right at that moment.
You will see the use of this adverb in the example below.
Spanish: Debes llamar a una ambulancia inmediatamente porque el niño no se encuentra bien.
English: “You must call an ambulance immediately because the boy is not well.”
INOCENTE. The next adjective that starts with I in Spanish is inocente. This adjective means that someone is not guilty, so it is easy to guess that its translation into English is “innocent”.
You will see a simple use of this adjective in the following sentence.
Spanish: Ella no será condenada porque es inocente.
English: “She will not be convicted because she is innocent.
In relation with the adjective inocente, we will also mention the noun inocencia that means “innocence”.
Other Spanish Words Starting With I
Icono (icon)
Idealismo (idealism)
Idéntico (identical)
Identidad (identity)
Identificar (to identify)
Idioma (language)
Idiota (idiot)
Iglesia (church)
Ignorante (ignorant)
Ignorancia (ignorance)
Igualmente (likewise)
Ilegal (illegal)
Iluminación (illumination)
Iluminar (to illuminate)
Ilusión (illusion)
Ilustrado (illustrated)
Ilustración (illustration)
Imagen (image)
Imaginar (to imagine)
Imaginario (imaginary)
Imaginación (imagination)
Imitar (to imitate)
Imitación (imitation)
Impacto (impact)
Imperfecto (imperfect)
Implementar (to implement)
Implicar (to imply, to implicate)
Imponer (to impose)
Importación (importation)
Impotencia (impotence)
Impresión (impression)
Impresionante (awesome)
Impresora (printer)
Impuestos (taxes)
Impulso (impulse)
Impuro (impure)
Impureza (impurity)
Inaceptable (unacceptable)
Inapropiado (inappropriate)
Incidencia (incidence)
Incidente (incident)
Incluso (inclusive)
Incómodo (uncomfortable)
Inconveniente (inconvenient)
Inconsciente (unconscious)
Increíble (incredible)
Indicar (to indicate)
Indicación (indication)
Indiferente (indifferent)
Indirecto (indirect)
Individualismo (individualism)
Inducir (to induce)
Industria (industry)
Inestable (unstable)
Ingenioso (witty)
Ingenuidad (naivety)
Ingenuo (naive)
Infante (infant)
Infancia (infancy, childhood)
Infierno (hell)
Infinidad (infinity)
Influencia (influence)
Información (information)
Informar (to inform)
Ingeniero (engineer)
Ingenioso (ingenious)
Inglés (English)
Inherente (inherent)
Iniciado (initiated)
Iniciar (to initiate)
Injusticia (injustice)
Injusto (unfair, unjust)
Inmenso (immense)
Inmigración (immigration)
Inmortal (immortal)
Inodoro (lavatory)
Inolvidable (unforgettable)
Inovación (innovation)
Inquieto (unquiet)
Inquietud (concern, ansiedad)
Insatisfacción (dissatisfaction)
Insecto (insect)
Insoportable (unsupportable)
Insignificante (insignificant)
Insomnio (insomnia)
Inspiración (inspiration)
Instalado (installed)
Instalación (installation)
Instalar (to install)
Instante (instant)
Instintivo (instinctive)
Instituto (institute)
Institución (institution)
Instruir (to instruct, to educate)
Insultar (to insult)
Integración (integration)
Intelectual (intellectual)
Inteligente (intelligent)
Inteligencia (intelligence)
Intentar (to attempt)
Intento (attempt)
Interés (interest)
Interesante (interesting)
Interesado (interested)
Intermediar (to intermediate)
Interno (internal)
Interpretación (interpretation)
Interrogatorio (interrogation)
Interrumpir (to interrupt)
Interrupción (interruption)
Intervención (intervention)
Intimidad (intimacy)
Íntimo (intimate)
Intriga (intrigue)
Introducir (to introduce)
Introvertido (introvert)
Intuición (intuition)
Inútil (useless)
Invención (invention)
Investir (to invest)
Invierno (winter)
Invitar (to invite)
Invitación (invitation)
Invocar (to invoke)
Ironía (irony)
Isla (island)
Itinerario (itinerary)
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